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Showing posts from 2009

New Courses in Management

I have taken the following continuing education courses in HR management and Financial Management while I was at Chicago the websites and URL are as below: for finance courses and for HR benefits and compensation courses Interesting courses ,as I was able to update myself.

Leadership Series

I was listening to the leadership series interviews conducted by McKinsey . I listened to John Chambers CEO Cisco Systems and Jeroen Van Der Veer Ex-CEO Shell They had some interesting things to say about recession,managing the future etc

Organization and Management

A Very interesting subject indeed! Organization and Management deals with organization behavior aspects of management. You have to read the works of McClelland,Taylor,Fayol,Maslow,Drucker ,Kaplan Norton,Mintzberg Industrial Psychology is a wide and engrossing topic and leads to development of Organizational leadership

On Learning the subject Management

My first experience at attempting to learn management as a subject came at BIMTECH,Delhi where I attended a One year Post Graduate Program in Business Management in 1991.The experience opened my eyes to the esoteric world of general management.I was immersed in a program with concentration of Organisational and Management,Entrepreneurship,Management Accounting,Managerial Economics and Quantitative Techniques day in and day out. Second semester was much more interesting we had to delve into the subjects such as Financial Management,Marketing Management,Human resources Management,Production and mat. management and Economic and social environment of business. The interesting aspect of management education is the ubiquitous case study.