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Showing posts from 2011

The Contemporary Consultant

I have been reading The Contemporary Consultant by Larry Griener & Poulfelt.the book is a concise and complete guide to all the recent developmentes in the consulting field , It covers analysis,intervention ,transformation and other aspects of consulting

Supply Chain Management

I have read the book Supply Chain Management by sunil chopra & Peter Meindl .The book has a good explanation of the four drivers of SCM ie Inventory,Transportation,Facilities & Information.It goes on to develop each of these drivers in detail. The main attaraction of the book is its detailed treatment of SCM in Ecommerce enabled organisations like DELL,PEAPOD,AMAZON etc who have used internet to drive their commerce.

Human Resource Management

I have been reading Fundamentals of Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey.It is a very interesting tome on recent trends in HRM.It has got good examples from Indian Context and relates well with the current organisations. I have read it cover to cover. I have also taken courses from ERI at their web site

Management Consultancy

How do you go about setting up a Management Consultancy from scratch. I have experience in marketing and technology consultancy.I will have to pool in all my knowledge resources.I will have to prepare a business plan.

Independent Consultant

As I see I am a graduate in Management with qualification in Information technology.I would like to make a career where I can utilize my knowledge to apply management concepts to the Information Technology domain. As a managment consultant I will try to minimize the TCO ie : Total Cost Of Ownership of software and hardware systems for the organisation I work for . I will also have to do system analysis for organisations. I can develop the concept of integrating the social media to the marketing and knowledge management sub systems.