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Showing posts from August, 2015

Financial Glossary 2

Over capitalisation when the business had more funds invested in the business than can be profitably employed Risk management is the process of identifying and minimising the potential cost of unfavourable events. Insurance Is a service offering protection against future possible loss as a result of some unfavourable event in the future. Budget is an expression of management plans in financial terms Profitability is a financial objective of the business and is concerned with the adequacy of profit Liquidity is a financial objective of a business and is concerned with being able to meet all cash obligations when they are due Growth is a financial objective and is concerned with increasing the size of the business Cash budget is a plan for cash receipts, cash payments and the resultant cash balance at certain points in time Targeted profit level should provide a reasonable return on the owners' investment - this means that the retur...

Financial Glossary 1

Financial Resources Resources which have a monetary value Financial Management is planning, organizing and controlling the acquisition and use of financial resources for the purposes of achieving organisational goals. Financing is the process of determining the appropriate forms and sources of finance Financing strategy is the determination of the type of finance used to purchase assets, and the resulting mix between equity, short term debt and long term debt Investment is the use of finance to acquire an asset which will yield a required return Investment strategy is the determination of the appropriate mix of a business's assets Asset Item of value which is owned by an organisation Accounts receivable (Short term/ current asset) - customer who owes the business money for buying goods/services on credit Inventory stock - Items manufactured or purchased by the business for sale to the customers Financial Intermedia...

Market Risk Versus Unique Risk

Total Risk= Unique Risk + Market Risk The unique risk of a security represents that portion of its total risk which stems from firm specific factors like the development of anew product , a labor strike, or the emergence of a new competitor. Events of this nature primarily affect the specific firm and not all firms in general. Hence the unique risk of a stock can be washed away by combining it with other stocks. In diversified portfolio, unique risks of different stocks tend to cancel each other- a favorable development in one firm may offset an adverse happening in another and vice versa. Hence, unique risk is also referred to as diversifiable risk or unsystematic risk. The market risk of a stock represents that portion of its risk which is attributable to economy wide factors like growth rate of GNP, the level of government spending, money supply, interest rate structure and inflation rate. Since these factors affect all firms to a greater or lesser degree, investors c...